Howdy! 🤠

Welcome to my "Hire Me" page. If you've landed on this page, you've likely been linked to it by me, or you've delved into some serious detective work.

I am currently employed as a Staff Software Engineer at Varo Bank. I bounce around different projects and teams but lately have been focusing on building our new Design System, updating our dependencies to handle React v18, integrating Statsig as our new feature and experiment platform, lead the Web efforts and promoted server-driven UI architectural pattern and integrated with Column Tax for tax prep purposes. My code typically gets shipped to production once a week. I primarily work with technologies such as: TypeScript, React, React Native, GraphQL with Apollo and React Testing Library with Jest.

Before my tenure at Varo, I held positions as a Senior Frontend Developer at tZERO and In those roles, I led teams and spearheaded projects using technologies such as React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, and PostgreSQL on the backend.

Although I primarily focus on the frontend, I consider myself a well-rounded Web Engineer with the ability to work across the entire tech stack and do so independently. I have a strong love for the UI aspects of Web Engineering and possess keen attention to detail, whether it pertains to design or code. This attention to detail is what I consider my "superpower."

My academic background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication from the University of Utah, as well as an Associate of Science degree from Salt Lake Community College.

Some current technologies that interest me: TypeScript, React, React Native, Astro, NextJS, RemixJS, Bun, shadcn/ui and Redix UI. Would love to work with these in my next role.

Outside of work, I take pleasure in spending time outdoors with my dog, Arto, and my girlfriend, Jordan. I also have a passion for cycling and running. For more on that, check out my Strava.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to further discussion. Cheers 🤙

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